About Gospelpedia.org

Gospelpedia.org is here to amplify every voice representing the gospel.  It was founded out of love for the gospel of Jesus Christ and to enrich believers with the right knowledge about becoming a 21st century believer.

Our team of experienced writers bring our readers the day’s most important stories and events to help them stay informed, equipped and happy. We cover stories and provide in-depth coverage about churches, ministries, church leaders, pastors, gospel influencers (artists, actors/actresses, authors, content creators etc), businesses, innovations from across the globe.

We bring you not just the latest gospel stories, but advance information about how the world is evolving for the rapture and what to expect in the coming age.


To be the voice that informs, engages and empowers the world.


To communicate the length, depth, breadth and height of the gospel.

Core Values

Our Audience 

We exist because of you and that’s why we put you first by creating relevant contents and distributing them through several channels. 


We avoid using misleading or clickbait headlines/titles on our articles. We try our best to double-check our facts before publishing.

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